Saturday, 30 May 2009

Only here...

What an incredible birthday, full of fast rides, adventures, vast array of cultures and enough fireworks to blow up Parliament (Guy Fawkes would have been proud of the display!) Only in America would you experience such an insane, completely over the top theme park full of past, present and future from all corners of the world, EPCOT is an awesome experience - and to think they roll out the same programme every single day!

My favourite part was Soarin'; a brilliant ride where you are suspended above a huge 3D screen and flown all over the place, viewing mountain ranges, Golden Gate bridge, fields, oceans and then the bright lights of America - unreal, you feel as though you are on a hand glider! We also went up in a rocket launch and sped round a test track in a crash test dummy car - the options are limitless, with every single little detail covered.

The only thing I found annoying is the bloody Americans lack of manners - they do not like queuing, they just barge past, so rude! To make it worse, the majority are clinically obese so you have no choice but to surrender and give way through fear of being crushed to death. Perhaps they should consider eating less and moving more? It really amazes me how many people you see that look as though they have never attempted anything physical EVER! It really is a turn off, especially men who are supposed to be the more muscular of the two sexes - pasty, untoned, fat men...ugh!

I am most definately becoming more opinionated in my old age, very sure about what I like and what I dislike and it takes me a decent discussion/debate to convince me otherwise. Not that I would ever have a problem admitting that I was wrong - course not! ;>)

Whilst I was loving the cultural experience, when it came to dinner time I was craving some lager and English food! I decided that we would eat at the Rose and Crown pub in the United Kingdom area, after watching the Beatles live and enjoying a quick Guinness and black...mmm! That gives you an idea of how random this place is, a whole little world carefully concealed in a theme park - nuts!

And so, I am writing my blog of the experience, totally knackered from yesterday. I am ready to jump in the pool, read my book and soak up some more sun...burn baby burn!

Friday, 29 May 2009


Shopping frenzy - the shops here are incredible and everything is so is worth getting on the flight just to go shopping! I have some cool new Ecko Red trainers and some funky new Adidas runners, as the others were pretty much worn out. I never normally like shopping, but here you just can't help it, every possible kind of shop, it's fab (I sound incredibly girlie, but not sure what has come over me!)

The Old Town was an interesting experience, very creepy. Even though we were safe in a tourist attraction, the people w0rking in the shops were all quite odd, slightly hick to say the least. In fact, most people that I have come across that work in these gift shops, diners etc are all slightly odd.

Yesterday, at the petrol station, I was laughed at for asking for stamps! How rude, the cashier lady and her friend mimmicked my voice and told me that only 'stairmps' were available, not 'stamps' and had a little chuckle to themsleves. I reveresed the insult and mimmicked them by saying, 'ya all have a nice day now!' in a deep southern accent, it was cool as they both laughed and saw the funny side!

I had my first short stack of pancakes since arriving and boy was it good. I love American pancakes with syrup, so nice, a rare treat as they contain about 4 million calories! The 'all you can eat' buffets are really disgusting. The idea that people go out to eat with the view of stuffing their face until they literally can't eat, well move actually is foul. It seems to have caught on in England now, but I am not a fan. The quality of what you can gorge yourself with is pretty crap compared to ordering something from the menu. Unfortunately, everywhere seems to be like this over here, so eating out is not as good as I thought it would be. :>(

In fact since being here, I have noticed loads of differences in the culture that I did not last time I visited. Just because we speak the same language, we presume that culturally we are the same, but far from it. I am enjoying picking up on these differences and everyday seems to throw up something different which changes my initial perception.

I do love England and I do love Europe, so much culture, history, beautiful scenery. America is really something completely different and a hell of a lot to take in; vast spaces and large everything! The Americans are sweet and very sincere, which makes me realise just how cynical us English really are, taking every single opportunity to take the piss or make a joke. Same language, but poles apart! :>)

Wednesday, 27 May 2009


Well, what a couple of days! There has been enough rain water to flush out the whole of the UK and enough sun to scorch my legs, back and shoulders - everything is bigger here, even the weather! Some of the clouds and the views I have seen have compared to the scenes from the film Twister!

Aquatica was the venue for yesterday; full of people, all shapes and sizes, so I happily minced around in my bikini feeling quite good about myself. There were some very scary sites, all of whom seemed to have no issue with letting it all hang out, literally!

I have never been in such intense heat, seriously scorchio! I actually felt as though my body was cooking and felt relieved when the sun dissappeared behind the cloud. The water was a welcome relief and I found the lazy river particularly fun; sitting in a rubber ring and floating round in the sun - a small hole for a cocktail would have finished off the expereince!

It is funny how the heat makes you lose your appetite (although there were a lot of poeple who still clearly had theirs!), however, by 7 pm that evening I was ravenous and looking forward to some good American food. Golden Correll was the chosen venue and from previous experiences of American cuisine, I was very excited...that was until we arrived!

It was a self serve, all you can eat cafe, full of super sized people and a variety of food - not too much in the form of the veggie diet, but I managed on fish and mashed potato. People are pretty foul, so many large people eating more than their body weigth in food and then going back for more - I literally had to hold my jaw up as it kept dropping to the floor!

And so to bed, tired, burnt and feet very sore - I guess being exposed to 32 degrees of sunshine for over 8 hours is a bit of a shock to the system! I am a true Brit!! :>)

Monday, 25 May 2009


Hello and I seem to have woken up finally, even though it's getting late here and I have been weary all day!

The sun was certainly shining this morning and it was hot, hot, hot! The heat makes you want to have an ice cold drink, so middle of the day, scorching heat, let's order a 'raspberry Rita margarita' - wow, so nice didn't even taste of alcohol - not good me being a Larry lightweight and all. That went down nicely, so let's try the coconut and amaretto version, ooh very nice. So, two drinks and a lot of heat equals me quite pissed and pretty useless for the rest of the day!

We get home after perusing the shops, cinema options and everything else available in the City Walk - we didn't quite make it into Universal Studios as we forgot the tickets and didn't fancy spending $100 each to get in, so ended up checking out what was there, seeing Portofino (well the American version) and Margaritasville of course - hic!

I dive in the pool, well fall in technically and enjoy wrestling with the alligator, well the blow up one that is and then fall asleep for a little while in the lovely sunshine. Wake up, sore head and major, major black clouds - weather warning on the TV, another mental storm approaching. My god, how scary are storms in this country - none of the gale forced winds and downpours like us Brits experience, full on palm trees at 45 degrees and so much rain that you cannot see anything! It did not stop for over an hour, to the point where the pool nearly flooded and water was leaking into the house!!!

It is all over now thank goodness, at least we had heavy sunshine for the early part of the day - very strong sunshine as it happens as shoulders and neck are pretty red! Watching American TV this evening, so many channels and so much sh** - although it is addictive sh**, as I have spent the last two hours watching 'ultimate fighter', the cage fighting championship between '1,2,3 USA' and '1,2,3 we're not gay UK' - crazy buggers!

I think we are heading for a water park tomorrow, so hopefully we will sort tickets beforehand and try some rides! Although, I do find the whole theme park experience a little overrated, as I haven't quite worked out why people are obsessed with queueing for hours to go on rides that make them want to vomit and of course pay for the whole experience!!!

Sunday, 24 May 2009

US of A...

Well, well well...I am now sitting in 'sunny', sorry 'chucking it down with tropical storm rain' Florida! My body clock has just about settled after nearly 24 hours in this country, so keeping the eyes open until at least 11 tonight to ensure that I sleep ok.

Getting here was an absolute mission, infact I nearly got kicked out at passport control for failing to have filled in an ESTA form. Now, I read the website and it told me that if I had a passport that issued after October 2006, no form was required - so, on arriving at the desk with no form, the scary lady called over a policeman to check me out! It was touch and go...but as I was beardless posed no threat to the country and I was allowed in. To be honest, I would have posed a severe threat to them if they had turned me away as not only had we been required to sit in the plane for an hour after landing, we had a two hour delay before taking off!

So, O-Town, yee ha! Everything is so damn big, just as I remember...loads of flashing lights and a zillion places to eat, drink, sleep, play! Shopping was fantastic today, although the downside of being in a hot place is that the shops are freezing - the time I was able to spend looking at clothes depended upon the temperature of the aircon! Lunch was also interesting, Hooters was the plenty to look at, not that I enjoy looking gratuitously at perfectly proportioned women! ;>)

I have settled in and preparing myself for the first trip tomorrow, to Universal Studios...I may do rides, not sure though as they tend to make me sick, so we will see!

So, until tomorrow...

Monday, 18 May 2009

What's it all about...

The events of Friday opened up all sorts of thoughts in my mind; family, friends, children, dying, living! Life really is a sad thing on some occasions. This little old lady has lived through war, had children with grand children, seen so much change to the world, yet the deterioration of her mind had reduced her to a child again. A strong lady...when did she change, when did she become a frail old lady?

I can never see myself getting old, although I know I find a new wrinkle every now and then and my face is maturing, I can't comprehend looking like a 'nan'! I see my parents looking older and it makes me realise that it happens to us all. I used to think 40 was old, and I am getting there! My grandparents have all passed away and now I read of film stars that remind me of being a child also coming to an end - scary stuff!

So, what is life all about? The only thing we are ever certain of is that we are going to die at some point - nice! Life is wonderful, an amazing experience of the unknown, an adventure.

I was fortunate enough to attend an exhibition match at Wimbledon yesterday; testing of the new roof over Centre Court. Steffi Graf, my absolute idol with the best legs in tennis, Agassi (Mr Steffi Graf), Henman and Clijsters. It was truly incredible and we were sitting 8 rows from the front. The tennis was awesome, but the bit I liked the most was seeing two people (Agassi and Graf) so totally and utterly in love with one another. The chemistry between them was magical, the odd smile, funny look and the way he doted on her was so lovely to see.

So, after the initial sadness of Friday night, followed by the chaos of my thoughts for a day or two, I had a little private moment on Centre Court yesterday, a true understanding of what it's all about! No doubt the little old lady and her husband had once shared such loving moments, which makes life that much crueler, as no matter what good things come your way, it must all come to an end at some point!

Sunday, 17 May 2009


Well, Friday was certainly an eventful evening. What started out as a relaxing BBQ turned into a very solemn affair. The old lady across the road from our friends knocked on the door around 9.00pm to alert us to the fact her husband had collapsed and could we help?? Poor old lady was in her eighties with no clue as to what was happening, shaking and confused and soaking wet from the rain.

Three of us dashed across to see what we could do...unfortunately on seeing him it was clear he was dead, head collapsed on the kitchen table arms slumped by his sides. We called an ambulance immediately and started CPR in an attempt to do something but the three of us knew he was well gone. The little old lady sat there helpless, still confused, unable to comprehend what was happening around here.

Whilst Thomas continued with CPR until the paramedics turned up, we tried to comfort the lady ask for names or numbers of relatives, but it was hard-what do you say to someone when things aren't going to be OK? Her husband lay dead on the floor, the table covered in boxes of medication. The husband younger than his wife clearly had lots of medical ailments, but was the carer and doer of the two, whereas the wife whose body was in perfect working order for her age had the mind of a child; lost, sad, helpless. We finally got through to some relatives, but telling someone their father had died was awful and you feel that you are not qualified to handle such a thing...

Thursday, 14 May 2009


Oh my god...I have finally resumed drinking after the long dry period during marathon training. It is not that I wasn't allowed to drink, more that I had completely lost my taste for it. The only annoying thing is that I chose a work bbq after a training day at head office to test it out!

Boy did I suffer the next day...having 7 or 8 bottles of beer when the most you have drunk in the last four months is 2 bottles is one hell of a shock to the system! I was hanging and my head was throbbing all day, hot flushes, waves of nausia...HORRIBLE! On reflection, I asked myself was it worth it and the answer would be yes as it was a release to lose control for a while, but no in terms of body payback.

Gone are the days of heavy drinking followed by zero sleep and feeling fine the next day. I am still feeling the strain two days on, where is the weekend? I am certainly feeling older, drinking on a school night is no longer an option. All the things I thought were fun are now turning into big no-no's and all the things I once thought boring seem perfectly normal, scarily so; a nice cup of coffee on a Sunday morning, reading the paper, reading a book in the evening, waking up early, driving to work when the sun is rising.

I am aging, in fact I am practically grey mentally...but funnily enough for the most part I am enjoying this phase of my life far more than the crazy days of carnage. I finally feel happy to enjoy the things I once thought boring, as being happy with yourself seems to bring an incredible sense of calm with it, complete with the lack of need to get out of it to relax and feel better about yourself.

Everyday I learn something and everyday I amaze myself when I react to situations that once made my stomach turn with such a comfortable manner - life is good and can only get better! :>)

Saturday, 9 May 2009


Tired, tired, tired...I am way too old for late nights out and early starts! Friday was a long day at work, lots of meetings and travelling, so the thought of going out made be even more tired. After a shower and some food, the idea became more appealing - why do we English feel the need to get out by seven and then drink our body weight in alcohol as quickly as we can before the pub closes at half eleven?? Followed by some disgusting food from a nasty burger bar that you wouldn't consider going near during the day!

The Europeans, they have it right...long lunches, afternoon snooze and then out around nine for a social meal with wine that goes on for hours, with some disco dancing at the end of the evening if you feel like it - far more civilized, an easy going lifestyle...sounds like the good life to me!

I am getting older, subtle changes are cropping up almost everyday. Every time I go out now I look to see if there are places to sit down, as I can't bear the thought of standing up in some bar all night. Deciding to opt for water after a few drinks kick in, knowing that I am going to pay in the morning with every additional unit that I sink. Deciding to go to bed when I am tired, totally unheard of, usually I would never go to bed before eleven as it seemed far too early!

Although the examples I just mentioned sound tragic, I don't actually care, another sign that I am aging, not caring what anyone thinks!!! Soon I will be pissing in my pants and thinking nothing of it!!!

Monday, 4 May 2009


Another sunny day, fantastic! Everyone is so much happier when the sun shines, I wish it was sunny more often - no wonder all Australians and Americans are happy!

We are cat sitting, have been all week. They are rag doll cats, very very fluffy and quite cute too, although they shed their body weight in hair on a daily basis. I have given up hoovering and dusting, will call in the industrial cleaners when 'minky' and bigboy' are returned to their owners. Don't get me wrong, it has been fun having them...but having something to look after makes you think about your lifestyle and the freedom you have.

I also held a baby yesterday - that always freaks me out a bit! As I get older I like babies a bit more than I used to, which is not a huge amount - they all look the same to me and they can't speak, so not the biggest baby fan - that aside, it is nice to care for something, watch it grow and develop into a little person. I love seeing my nephew now that he is four, a little person who is fascinated by everything and anything, wanting to know how it works, what its called, why, why why?

I think hormones definitely kick in when you turn thirty - you start thinking about children all the time, working out how old you will be when they are ten etc...gauging the window of opportunity, then deciding on the process - so much to consider, cost, lifestyle, logistics, living arrangements, the time I have thought of all of the that the hormone surge is over and I forget about for another few weeks!