Wednesday, 17 February 2010


It is funny how sometimes the same situations create a variety of energies - as in, sometimes the dynamic works and other times it feels strained. I am not sure if mood, physical well being, what side of the bed you wake up on in the morning or what?! determines the vibe you let off, but it certainly changes often.

Timing is the key it seems; if words, moments, plans and goals are out of sync then it is hard to make good of even the best combination of circumstances. Perhaps it is just me that circles and circles until there is resolution. I doubt that, but wish I knew how to handle it better, be more absorbed in other things, thoughts, activities; more selfish I guess.

'You can sleep forever, but still you will be tired; you can stay as cold as stone but still you won't find peace...if the sun or the moon would give way to doubt,
they would immediately go out.'

Monday, 8 February 2010

Getting it together...

Well, a lot of reflecting has been occurring for one reason or another - speaking with other people who seem in crisis makes you fully appreciate where you are at with your own emotional state.

I mean, everyone has battles, internal struggles, issues, baggage etc, but it is how we choose to deal with them that matters; sometimes you take the easy option and box it up only for it to rear its head another time, sometimes you take the painful route and deal with it head on. The latter and more long-term approach seems to be the most worthwhile and one I will choose to take and recommend from now on.

Anyhow, this is not supposed to be doom and gloom, more so a few lines about how we evolve and change in our attitudes towards difficult issues; being calm and accepting life and the mix it brings, learning from every scenario and getting perspective on the bigger picture.

Tuesday, 2 February 2010

Back on it...

It's been a while, but I am back. A lot has gone on over the past three months; moved house, got a new job and started a career in counselling!

So...change is always a scary thing at first; unknown territory, new landscape, different people, sink or swim moments that make you wonder why the hell you rocked the status quo! But then, time passes, the newness fades and before you know it you have returned to the mundane, only more informed, emotionally savvy and slightly older!

We go through life always looking forwards, but never take much time reflecting upon what we have already achieved - sometimes major landmarks other times a little personal growth, either way something I will do much more of in future.

I think my blog helped me over the course of last year, geting it all down and out of your system can only be good. Why is that writing down what you feel, even if you never choose to do anything with it, makes you feel better?