Monday, 11 March 2013

Being Brilliant!

Just read an interesting book about being exactly that.  I have read my fair share of 'thinky' books, prefer that term to 'self-help' as that always gives the impression of being not quite the full ticket, and this was right up there with the best of them.  A little paperback with real life examples to help the reader relate coupled with a commitment to avoid academic language made the 138 page read a pleasure. 

So, the story of being brilliant is told through a very passionate circus ringmaster and his battle to keep the circus alive.  It was easy to relate to the chap on a number of levels, the frustrations, the passion, the lack of perspective from being so close to something and the genuine desire to make a difference, but not knowing how. 

The chapters whizz through the mistakes made and provided some neat little lessons learned.  The descriptions of people and circumstances were cute and the term 'energy vampire' will stay with me for years to come, no doubt when in the company of one when I next hit the office.  I turned over the final page and felt re-energised, super positive and ready to conquer the world; my mantra of 'making a difference' was reaffirmed by this little gem of a book. 

However, positive thinking and being brilliant will only get you so far when you are not in step, find a 'thinky' book about office politics, specifically working your way to the top without losing your marbles, morals and backbone!  Does this book exist?  #answersonapostcard

"When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are chalenged to change ourselves." - Viktor E Frankl