Monday, 29 June 2009


What a tournament; some incredible results and tennis! The atmosphere this year seemed much more 'fan based' for want of a better expression. The new ruling about distribution of tickets has certainly made a difference to the people in attendance - it is fantastic for the sport, as the atmosphere generated is all about the tennis as oppose to the pompous old school farts who go there to mingle.

I also had the opportunity to visit Boodles this year - my god, never going there again. It is primarily a corporate affair, but it really was full of the twat brigade; overdressed, twiglet thin young ladies attached to the wallet, sorry arm of rotund old gents. Full to brim of Pimms and no clue about the rules of tennis! I would not recommend this event to the keen tennis fan, although in a way I would as the seats on the stadium court are always empty due to the TB being occupied in beer tents!

Do people wake up one day and think...'I think I will marry a fat old rich man...yes, that is what I will do. Even though I am young and reasonably attractive, I will endure awful sex and loveless marriage to ensure a lifetime of free shopping and no work.'

People with this mind process scare be honest, there can't be a mind process, as if there was one they would think about what they are doing and then realise it is not good...surely!!! Then again, they are pretty harmless to an extent, just not my sort of person. Problem is, I seem to come across them all the time; mindless, ignorant, airheads - am I being stereotypical?? I do hope not as just completed an equity and diversity course, which I passed, so obviously I am good in theory but not so good in practice! Hey ho!


What a beautiful weekend...walking up Snowdon! It was incredible weather, although misty on the way up, but schorching hot on the way down and the whole of the next day. The countryside is stunning and north Wwales really is a place to get away from it all. I couldn't live there, but a couple of days in the peace and tranquility is all you need to get back to what counts in life.

I even enjoyed sleeping in a tent, something that I am renowned for hating with a passion - not that keen on sleeping outside in the cold and rain on a paper thin matress when a warm, cosy hotel room with en suite bath is literally round the corner! This time was different, as we had a bigger tent, with our own little bedroom pod, a lounge with a light and some camp chairs. I must be getting old, as for me there was nothing nicer than waking up in the elements, watching the sun rise, hearing the farm cockeral and boiling a little camp stove for the first cup of tea.

Walking up the mountain was tough, as there were two really long steep inclines and the ground was broken slate. I felt fine fitness wise, but my calves and hip flexors were pretty tight when we reached the half way point. It took two and a quarter hours to get to the summit and then one and three quarter hours to get down again. Getting down was also tough as the floor was damp and slippery. I do have some walking shoes, but opted for old runners, as my legs looked like golf clubs in the walking shoes - how vane, but needs must!

A fantastic weekend away and considering we left at 6am on Saturday morning and arrived home at 7pm Sunday night, it felt like we had been gone a lifetime - in a good way of course. :>) Funny that, as it was one night away, but it was enough to recharge the batteries and get back to civilisation with a clear head.

Tuesday, 23 June 2009


I guess I have had plenty to think about of late; lifestyle, life choices, children, no children, committment, many important issues.

Just when you think you have your s*** together, something rears its ugly head. I am not sure why, I guess life is this ever changing state, of which you seem to have no control over, even though you actually decide your fate with every thought, word and action.

You strive to be true to yourself whilst build a happy honest life, being a good partner, friend, work colleague. Then once you feel you get there, all of a sudden you this what it is all about?!?! I think that I want children and the family life, but then I think about how I am going to achieve it. I see the picture in my mind, but when I work backwards to how I get there, this is not easy - lots of practical decisions, no loving actions but sterile procedures....then this makes me think it is all wrong!

So, then I think, well is my life so bad as it committment, no children, just fun, happy times?? I can't answer that either...both options are good options as I am very lucky when I look at what I have in my life; love, friendship, family. Oh, I don't know...I really need to stop thinking, turn off the think tap and just live for today - if someone knows how to do this, please let me know!!! :>)

Sunday, 21 June 2009

Dans le noir...

What an enlightening experience; eating in complete darkness. The waiters are blind or visually impaired, guiding you into the black dining room and serving your food and drinks with effortless skill, whilst you sit and fumble with cutlery, napkins, glasses and each other! The food was lovely and even though you choose the type of menu; meat, veggie, fish or have no idea what you are eating until they show you pictures afterwards. I would recommend it to anyone as it really does heighten you other senses and of course allow you to appreciate the ability us sighted people have to just turn on the light!

The four glasses of champagne in the limo on the way down was enough for me...I really am struggling to consume a lot of alcohol these days. I know that I stopped for a while during marathon training, but I think it made me realise how much damage it does to your body. Waking up without a hangover is great; you feel refreshed, alive and energised to do something with the day-the usual hangover leads to a day of lethargy. I am not suggesting that I am a boring old git, but my outlook on life has changed; I want something more fulfilling than getting battered...

And now I am sitting in the sun watching some tennis and looking forward to Wimbledon starting tomorrow.

I have discovered a new website called afterellen. It is quite interesting and very informative on gay issues, events, music and current affairs etc. I have never really been one for keeping up to date with the 'scene', as I don't see why I have to involve myself with a scene other than my life. In fact, as I reflect on my lifestyle and circle of friends, I lead a pretty heterosexual life apart from the fact I live with a woman. I have never thought about being part of a scene or community with other alternative people who have the same sexual preference, as I have always preferred to hang out with people I like...for that not normal?!?!

Sunday, 14 June 2009

Mind games...

Had loads to talk about all week, but been too busy to download from my brain!

Anyway, first proper tennis match of the season today, away against Townsend. They were a decent team, with three solid pairs. A couple of our key players were missing, so I played down with a second team player as third pair. We lost all three, but the other two pairs did enough to secure the win, so all good.

Losing all three matches was quite annoying and I am beginning to feel that I am losing my touch. Normally, I could have carried us through, but today my partner, a second team player did really well and played amazingly well. I however, was pretty average....very average in fact...'the older I get, the better I was' springs to mind!

Whilst everything else in my life seems to be under control and going well, I still have this battle with tennis. I just can't get past the expectation, the feeling of failure I associate with not succeeding as a player; not that I ever wanted to be a player, but still I failed. I know that people like me for me the person, not me the tennis player, but I automatically associate tennis with my own self-esteem.

I really tried to relax and enjoy it today, but the relaxed attitude made it almost impossible for me to compete, as naturally I need to be intense and fired up...but, if I am intense and fired up I don't necessarily enjoy it! Nightmare! Why, at the ripe old age of 31 am I unable to rationalise tennis and just accept that no one expects miracles, no one expects me to hit amazing shots, beat people easily...the only person who does is me!

I picked the team today as captain; I picked well as the team won the match. The funny thing is, when picking the pairings, the usual format is to put experience with youth, but I had picked sane with insane! Unfortunately, me and my partner were in the insane category - but she had a great day as I offered counselling and encouragement throughout! I however went through mental meltdown, analysing everything from my serving technique through to my reason for existing!

Perhaps I just need to accept that people like, want and love me for me, not my ability to hit a great forehand or beat everyone easily....or perhaps I need to accept that I am just a 'washed up jock' who just doesn't have it anymore?!?

Sunday, 7 June 2009


The delay at the airport was a pain, but it gave me the opportunity to people watch. People should be vetted before they are allowed to have children. It is no wonder why most of the youth of today are such a mess, so rude, ill mannered, selfish, ignorant.

Opposite us at the gate there was a family I nicknamed 'Benidorm' as the father was a pig, the mum was a slob and the offspring were a nightmare. The mum kept feeding them junk food and then the dad shouted at them to sit still and behave - I guess they didn't consider that the junk food was having an impact on their mad behaviour within a confined space!! Then beside family Benidorm we had the family Spod. The dad had glasses looked geeky, possibly in finance, the mum looked prim and proper and quite honestly bored! They happily played Ludo with their children and after the game provided them with a book each for some quiet reading time. The children looked clueless, over protected and looked agonisingly on at the naughty children in the next seats, hoping one day they could be slightly out of control!

From these little snippets of the two families, you could almost map out their lives, how they lived, what their children would turn out like etc. I am not suggesting that either were right or wrong, but does make me realise that whilst I always blame the youth of today, I really should be blaming the parents that brought them into the world. I mean, how hard can it be to install manners, respect, basic rights and wrongs, a balance of work and play? Clearly it is almost impossible given my experience of children that I see on a regular basis. It convinces me more that I could do it and make a pretty good job of it. I am sure the reality of doing it is tougher, but if you are organised, practical and methodical with a job, surely raising a child requires all of those skills too, as after all it is a job!

I am back and have been for a few days, but only really caught up with time since flying home on Thursday. Time is an odd thing, totally messes you up in terms of sleeping and eating. Returning home always makes me smile, as the differences between the country you have been in compared to your home turf is always so apparent, even as you embark on the decent. The fields are all green and very tidy little shapes, the houses are also neatly marked out and the motorways are pretty! The smell of the air, inside the airport, the signs, the layout it is all so English. I always feel safer too, as when arriving in a foreign airport, I feel uneasy of the language, customs, rules etc...I am a scardy cat I guess!

Anyway, I arrive home in shorts to quite a pleasant day in London. The sun was shining, the sky was blue and people seemed in good spirits. The very next day I was greeted with drizzly rain, wind and a grey skies! I had to out the heating on too - what a joke! I also woke up today with a sore throat and a temperature, great! So annoying, I always get ill during or after a holiday, what is that all about - better off not stopping!

Wednesday, 3 June 2009

Home time...

Time to go home now, leave the madness of Disney World and back to the reality of visiting tennis clubs and telling them their coach is a lazy git and their tennis programme sucks! Only kidding, I love my job and on the whole it is very rewarding, watching clubs develop and seeing projects get off the ground, so all good.

I feel like my tan is fading already, but can't handle any more intense daytime heat - it is so damn hot, burns the hairs off your legs!! I keep telling myself that I will look more tanned once I get home and compare my colour with my pasty friends!!! :>)

It has been a cool holiday and I had a wonderful birthday too - plenty to keep me occupied. I have missed my friends and am looking forward to having a little birthday drink or two with them. Got some cool gifts, well I think they are cool - didn't go for the usual boring stuff, got some funky bits and bobs instead.

The flight is not until 7.30pm, but we plan to get to the airport for 4.30pm - so chilling for the day, staying out of the heat and may even watch some more awful cable! Tori and Dean was on last night...I like it, but I also hate it as it really is a load of crap! I can't work out if Dean is attractive, sometimes he is just because he is big, but close up not an oil painting...and as for Tori, no way...odd looking!

I may see if Rosanne is on again, as watched a couple of episodes last night - I used to love that show as a kid and was allowed to stay up on Friday night to watch it - I was only 8 or 9 and had a crush on Jackie - can't believe I admitted to that, but used to like the older women!!! No-one tops Sharon from Cagney and Lacey...she was totally hot stuff!!

Anyway...better go and finish my packing I guess. Next time I post a blog I will be back at home is sunny England! TTFN :>)

Tuesday, 2 June 2009

Toilet roll...

What a day! 12 hours of complete fantasy, Universal Studios, Islands of Adventure and then the Blue Man Group Show...I have been on the Hulk, The Mummy, Duelling Draggons, Twister, Dr Seuss, Cat in the Hat, Blutos' Barges, Jurassic Adventure, Men In Black, Jaws and roamed around film sets, in and out of cool shops...I could go on! Crazy day, so many things to look at you get completely lost in this man made world.

The place is enormous and you can't quite explain it as the scale way exceeds anything you have ever seen before. One park is the same size as Lakeside or Bluewater - I know totally vast. I still think Disney is slightly creepy, as I feel they have their way of doing things and little messages with each ride or feature or shop, yet it is all dressed up nice and sweetly so everyone takes it in - not sure I explained that very well, but I know what I mean.

The Blu Man Group was a bizarre show, including catching paint balls in their mouths, drumming on pipes and tin drums covered in luminous paint so the paint sprayed everywhere, especially cool under the strobes. It also had a band dressed in luminous skeleton costumes suspended on the stage, audiance participation and some really creative arty features, like tumble dryer vents and toilet paper spinning around the ceiling and over our heads - hard to explain but cool.

All in all the O Town expereince has been pretty cool and I have done some new stuff, which I alwasy like about my travels; been up in the biggest helium balloon in the world (400ft above the ground, top view), eaten in a Planet Hollywood, gone shopping in the largest mall I have ever seen, been on every scary ride in two theme parks (I normally wimp out on such things, but went for it!) sun bathed in a bikini and didn't worry about it (quite pleased with that one, but need to work on the abs) and read a record breaking four books in one holiday!

Shopping again today, going to get some presents for friends and my little nephews; Jack and Lewes. Our last full day and night, then flying home to probably another rainy, luke warm British summer! Hey ho! :>)

Monday, 1 June 2009

Surf's up...

I have now been to both coasts of Floida; Clearwater, Tampa Bay and Cocoa beach. Clearwater was plush, white sand, a lifeguard every 200 yards, nice places to get a drink and comfy beach chairs. It also had giant pelicans, which scared the crap of me, as when close up they looked like something from Jurassic Park! Cocoa beach was quite another matter; really dirty and there were little, actually large black flies everywhere. They drove me mad landing on me every five minutes, in the end we left as what with the flies and the influx of pigeons landing everywhere it was all too much!

The upside is that we got to drive to both coasts which was cool, little adventures into the unknown - granted that we were only going to the beach, but when you have no idea where you are going, it is fun to take in the new scenery (views of places and more odd people - there are some really strange looking people out here...I know Letchworth is a little 'deliverance' but America is something else!) and see other parts of the area. We drove through Cape Canaveral, which appeared a quiet little town, a bit different from the flashing neon signs and giant advertising boards of International Drive.

After the bleak beach visit it was great to get home and dive (well, tentitively walk) into the fly free pool, followed by a few hours lazing in the sun. I have finished another romantic holiday novel now, number four of this holiday - got to be a record, I must be reading faster. The last one was a Danielle Steele number; I know, how tragic is that, but after a couple of Mills and Boon that I found in the villa, her book was vastly superior! The story lines are so bad, but entertaining all the same - it is good to switch the brain off and as the soaps are not available I have my rubbish books and Tori and Dean on Tuesday nights!

Finally, a trip to see a film - Angels and Demons. I loved the Da Vinci Code, preffered the book, but have been looking forward to seeing the first of the Dan Brown books. The cinema seats are huge, so comfortable, it was like sitting in a 'laz e boy'. I am thankful that they were large seats as we were surrounded by quite big people - I am conscious that I am becoming fattest! I am not really, well I don't think so...I just really have an issue with people who take no care of themselves whatsoever - I mean don't get me wrong, it is easy to overindulge, eat a donut or two, drink too much alcohol, put the gym off for another day, blah blah, but if my comfy jeans (reserved especially for 'fat' days - you know what I mean) beacme too tight, I would need to take some action. I don't think that happens to some people...I mean when would you ever think, 'Damn, my fat jeans are too small, I had better go and buy some bigger ones!' - which takes out the rest of your wardrobe surely! Easier said than done I guess, but it does leave me wondering about what goes through people's minds, if anything.

I have definately come to the conclusion that a lot of people never actually think, well not in depth anyway - I really struggle to get my head round this issue. Perhaps I over think becasue of who I am, my way of life, but I doubt it. If I was leading the usual life, my choices would still require loads of thinking, planning and general consideration. Surely, when thinking about children, homes, future, where you want to be, the life you want to lead, it is important that you get all this stuff clear in your own mind before taking action? I see so many people in a relationship who just seem to get on with all these things without a second thought; one day they get pregnant, then move to a bigger house, then have another child and there you have it, life plan sorted, not much thought required! I seem to always get stuck on the first bit, not surprising, as with the current options available to people with my life choices are all pretty grim - but then what about adoption? Are there not already too many children in the world, why go through all those sterile processes when you can look after a child destined to have a pretty loveless, miserable life?

Damn, I have gone from beach chat to children...better out than in I suppose! Off to Universal Studios and Island of Adventure and then to the Blue Man Show, my birthday present - I am very excited and looking forward to getting covered in paint! :>)