Tuesday, 25 August 2009


I have great friends! Truly great friends!

It is interesting how you make friends. All the friends I have met prior to 2006 ish were met during crazy, crazy times, in crazy places, doing crazier things! However, I am now able to call them up, text occasionally and visit randomly and we pick up where we left off as if years and months had not passed. I love that, effortless friendship with people who have seen the best of you and the worst of you and are still around to hang out with as and when the opportunity arises.

Don't get me wrong, those met post 2006 are still very cool, it is just that these people were met in more stable times, with less craziness but probably the same amount of alcohol!! Whilst all of my friends are very different; lives, vocations, locations, backgrounds etc...there is one thing in common with each and every one of them - a connection.

This connection is very important and for me, friendship will not ensue unless there is some form of connection. This is sometimes deemed as shallow, but I see it as not wasting time with people you do not click with - no point. I am not saying 'friendship at first sight', but after spending an evening or two with someone, you know how you feel and whether or not there is a connection.

So, I am very lucky as I have lots of cool friends, all in different places and all doing different things and all with a connection with me for very different reasons - it is great.

This never used to be the case, as I would confuse attraction with connection - two very different things as I am sure you will agree! I would only want to be friends with people I found attractive, not because I wanted to do anything as such; more so, it made me make an effort. That sounds terrible and it was, but it was more about my inability to make friends for genuine reasons, lack of confidence and lack of experience of doing this at school as I was always playing tennis!

But now, well, it is a different story - I am friends with lots of different people; good looks no longer required!!! So, pre 2006 consider yourself hot stuff, post 2006 you must have stunning personalities!!! Joke obviously!! :>) I look forward to loads more interaction with my current buddies and of course connecting with a few more!

1 comment:

  1. Hey girl - found your blog via afterellen's forums and thought I'd check it out - looks like you are doing your thang (LOVE THAT!) - my girl Kate and I just started a blog too - hope you'll check us out - would love to hear what you think we should be blogging about.

    Rock on ...
