Sunday, 15 November 2009

Tricky business...

Life is a tricky business, so many emotions and so many thoughts and aspirations about what life should be about, makes you wonder how people ever decide something and stick to it. The future is a scary subject, with so many variables and we just roll along and wait for it to unravel before us or do we make a plan and strive to achieve it?

I wonder if we are born programmed to do one or the other, or do people influence our decisions to go one way or another...or are there more than two options or do we flit between the two throughout life?? See...lots to consider - either way it means that nothing is for certain and nothing lasts forever, which makes me sad.

Life is about growing for me, learning each day, tough times making you stronger and good times giving you confidence and strength to keep pushing the boundaries - ideals you share, but sometimes things just don't work out that way. I understand that and respect that, but it is not easy when you have to walk away from something that you have invested your energy and emotion into, especially when so much good remains.

Do you settle for 90% of everything or keep going until you find everything? I guess this is what we are going to find out, perhaps the hard way, as there is no easy way to go when you crave different things. However, regardless of the hard times to come, the good stuff remains, always and can never be undone or forgotten as it fundamentally makes us who we are... we must be brave and stay true to ourselves.

"One ceases to recognize the significance of mountain peaks if they are not viewed occasionally from the deepest valleys."

1 comment:

  1. I think perhaps that we always crave what we can't have, which means that we never really have everything, having 100% would probably mean you had nothing left to live for.

    Sometimes things are hard and you feel like you are being pulled in opposite directions but I think it is always worth thinking about what you have before packing it all in for something you think will be better.

    If you had 100% you would want nothing, so you would not be ableto keep growing, learning and developing.
