Sunday, 4 April 2010


What is the journey of life about; learning, experiencing, understanding yourself or simply growing into your own self. The latter for me it seems, as I finally feel comfortable in my own skin - the first thirty years have been a struggle to fit in, do the right thing, feel the right thing, say the right thing.

I always feel as though I have been who I am now, but trapped in my youth, which sounds strange I know....but I wonder if other people feel this way? Perhaps everyone hits a stage where they feel most content in themselves and then associates this with an age or period in their life or maybe people embrace the ever changing age and stage and think nothing of it?!

Either way, I am questioning the purpose of the journey daily; where I have come from and where I am going. Just when you feel sure about what you want from the future, the dynamic of a relationship or situation changes and then your plans and dreams are thrown into the wind; swirled about and scattered liberally!

Ultimately, living for the day seems to be the most painless option, as no plan means no disappointment. I am not convinced that living a dream free life is one I am able to indulge in, but sometimes I can see the appeal.

'With the moon I run, far from the carnage of the firey sun, driven by the strangle of veins showing me no mercy, I'd do it again.'

1 comment:

  1. Individuals being content with themselves...a good question that many will never look to find the answer; many will never venture as the truth can be disappointing and hurtful (as mentioned). People that touch your life help/make you explorer your self direction and if you re not already lucky enough to be one of those individuals or meet one then living for the day would be ones life option!

    However the day to day journey is still a consent drama! Not knowing what the day may bring, being spontaneous with your actions and conquering the little ups and downs faced. Things happen that you may not plan for (which in this generation happens frequently, parenting young, unsupportive parents, relationships, drink, drugs etc.) so for these people the day to day is a consent battle and future goals and lifes directions may not be up there on their priority list. This doesn't mean they don't have them, it just means they have never had the opportunity, in one way or another to indulge in them or plan for them.

    This is my defence for the day to day thinker which I am no longer! Another good blog Abs :)
