Friday, 10 July 2009

Rock Salt Revival...

Isn't it great to catch up with people you haven't seen for a couple of years, but have known for a considerably long time...talking about good times, bad times, crazy times and people - what they did then, what they do now and everything in between!

My mate JJ used to host these 'gay' evenings, decks, mixing tunes, random venues, crazy arse know the usual! My job would be lugging speakers to and from the venue, from a second floor flat - bloody hell, absolute work out and complete health hazard; one wrong step on those stairs and you were toast, literally death by speaker or sub! I also helped with the flyers as I worked in the graphics department - even kept one of the creative designs I whipped up; a Rock Salt logo floating down into a fish bowl with a little fish swimming around!

It is funny how you can not see someone for years, but pick up where you left off. A phrase, a memory, a song, a person, an incident...the little things that pull you back into the a section of the past as if it were yesterday. Morcheeba - the there is a tune; the flat by the sea, the endless reeefers, the decks, the tunes, the fun nights, the dull days at work...oh the fun we had!

By looking back, it also makes you realise how far you have move forwards. Emotionally I have fast forwarded into a grown up, a mature adult who understands emotions, feelings, a decent caring code of conduct. Back then I was a selfish, self-obsessed, insecure, crazed, up for the next adventure, reckless little sod - just like any other oik my age, but it is funny looking back.

And so, I can sit with my mate and smile...knowing that there have been moments, some good, some bad, but we are still mates and have those memories. Life is one long adventure and one long lesson; just going to chill some more beer in preparation for the next time you pop in, sometime around 2012! :>)

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