Monday, 13 July 2009


If you are a thinker, I believe the world is a tough place. Emotionally, I is hard when you think about everything; each conversation, meeting, action, reaction, previous relationships, friendships...and everything that happens in your life is a direct reflection of your own competence, self-worth, self-esteem.

So, a failed relationship makes you a failure, a lesser person; a judgmental line from a friend makes you a bad or misunderstood friend; a negative work email makes you a bad colleague who is no good at your job.

There is another side obviously; a happy relationship makes you a fantastic partner, a good natter on the phone makes you a decent friend and a passing positive phrase at work makes you a competent and efficient worker. The swings and roundabouts of the 'thinkers' world.

You would think that throughout life, the good and bad would strike a balance; highs and lows, good and bad, happy and sad. Unfortunately, it never seems to work like this and you end up super high, confident and in control of everything in your life one day and down and out, drowned in a state of depression, trying to justify your own existence, figuring out where it all went wrong the next...well, a little dramatic but you get my drift.

Does everyone directly associate occurrences in their life with their own self-esteem? Is this normal or are some people oblivious to what goes on around them, living in an emotionless state? For some reason, bobbling along the line of mediocrity seems tougher than the highs and lows of the thinker - surely it is better to live a life of regrets of things we did as oppose to things we did not?

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